Yout community manager school
and formation

🤗 Ensure a consistent presence on social media with just a few clicks.
community management enseignement et formation
elipse gris fond
elipse gris fond

the education sector
and formation

Choose an assistant community manager to promote your school and your training to reach your audience on social networks.

The community manager is an essential person for activities in the field of education and formation. You need to communicate about your programs, your stakeholders and the life of your formation center. Your goal is to communicate with current and prospective students, promote the quality of your teaching and be in constant contact with companies.

Here are some key figures about social media:
94% of active French users

Under 25 years are on Instagram. It is a lever of communication to reach your target.

79% of French aged between 18 and 24

are present on social networks, according to Statista figures.

Developing your activity on social networks: the essential reasons for your online presence

Maximize your online visibility

A community manager in the school and formation allows you to share information about your school, formation programs and achievements. Being active on social networks has become an indicator of online presence and credibility. Your formation organization owes its longevity to its notoriety among your target group of young people and companies. Social networks are there to help you achieve this goal.

attract new students

Using a virtual community manager to promote your training programs and attract new students will save you a lot of time. Even with limited resources, it will help you reach a large and diverse audience. By sharing relevant and engaging content, you can engage future learners and engage them with your school.

inform your students

Community management on social networks is a way to have direct contact with your current and former students. You can keep them informed of news, upcoming events and professional development opportunities, reinforcing their commitment and loyalty to your institution.

🚀 Develop a customized editorial line on social media starting today!
enseignement et formation
exemple de publication enseignement et formation
exemple de publication enseignement et formation
exemple de publication enseignement et formation
exemple de publication enseignement et formation
exemple de publication enseignement et formation
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Some ideas for teaching and training topics:

Presentation of training programs: diplomas, certificates, online courses
Highlighting student projects: achievements, successes, testimonials
Learning tips: study techniques, time management, skills development
Promotion of educational events: conferences, workshops, open days
Testimonials from former students: professional successes, inspiring career paths, feedback
Meetings with professors and experts: interviews, research presentations, sharing expertise
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Tookano quickly generates publishing ideas to feed your social networks

Save time by entrusting the management of your editorial line and the generation of your content according to your objectives and community management needs

Based on your goals :

Encourage prospective students to visit your website to increase the chances of converting your audience into customers.


Foster a sincere connection with businesses, your alumni and engage with them This will encourage content sharing, increasing your organic reach and online visibility.


Increase the visibility of your educational and training institution by highlighting your successes and expertise on social networks. This will increase the confidence of students and potential learners in your institution.

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On which social networks
should I post?

LinkedIn and Instagram are essential platforms for a school or formation center.

LinkedIn is ideal for establishing professional connections, promoting your formation programs, finding companies to welcome your work-study fellows and recruiting new students and professional speakers. A good way also to form a community of alumni.

Instagram lets you share real-time news, learning tips and engage with your educational community.

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tookano réseaux sociaux

How can Tookano help you maintain a regular social media presence?

With your assistant community manager for formation guided by artificial intelligence, create a personalized and effective content strategy on your various social networks, informing your objectives and your target.

You choose the tone
The publication frequency
And the social media platforms for distribution
Tookano ensures the community management of your school by offering you content suggestions and planning publications to save you valuable time!
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