Your community manager
real estate

🤗 Ensure a consistent presence on social media with just a few clicks.
community management immobilier
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The sector
of real estate

Your real estate agency will benefit from a permanent community manager for the visibility on your social networks.

It is an essential tool for real estate professionals, allowing you to communicate with potential buyers and sellers, promote quality properties and stay at the forefront of real estate market trends.

Here are some key figures about social media:
35 million active French users

On Facebook. Social networks are a major asset to boost your online visibility.

a unique opportunity

Create direct interactions with potential customers via social networks. Real estate agencies target specific audiences and visually present their properties.

Why be present on social networks?

Increase the visibility of your ads

Social media is an effective way to share your ads in an attractive way and reach a wide audience of potential buyers and tenants. With Tookano, you have a community manager specialized in real estate to generate your content.

Establish your expertise and credibility

By sharing useful advice, information about the local real estate market and testimonials from satisfied customers, you build customer confidence and position your agency as a reference in your field. Your community manager will help you with this time-consuming task.

Foster engagement with your audience

A community manager in real estate allows you to create a community around your agency, encouraging interactions, comments and sharing. This can help retain your existing customers and attract new leads.

🚀 Develop a customized editorial line on social media starting today!
exemple de publication immobilier
exemple de publication immobilier
exemple de publication immobilier
exemple de publication immobilier
exemple de publication immobilier
exemple de publication immobilier
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a few topics
for real estate :

Presentation of new properties on the market: houses, apartments, land
Advice for buyers and sellers: stages of purchase, advice on developing a property
Local real estate market updates: trends, statistics, analysis
Testimonials from satisfied customers: feedback, success stories
Virtual tours of real estate: videos, 360° photos
Local news and events: real estate shows, conferences, community initiatives
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With Tookano,
your posts are quickly generated

With Tookano, you quickly get content topics published directly on your social networks

You also have the option to specify your target to reach by adjusting the Tookano AI settings.

Based on your goals :

Attract visitors to your website to increase opportunities to turn your community into active customers.


Promote continuous interaction with your community with a specialized real estate community manager at your side. This reactivity reflects your commitment to their satisfaction, which will help them retain their loyalty to your agency and attract new customers through recommendations.


Develop the reputation of your real estate agency on social media. By sharing relevant information about the real estate market, you will strengthen your reputation on your local sector.

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On which social networks
should I post?

Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are particularly beneficial platforms for real estate agencies.

Facebook and Instagram allow you to visually share your ads, interact with your audience and create an engaged community around your agency.

LinkedIn is ideal for building your expertise and professional network in the real estate sector, sharing articles, analysis and market updates. Every asset can be a potential customer!

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tookano réseaux sociaux

How can Tookano be an asset for the animation of your community?

Tookano allows you to design a content strategy tailored to your objectives and your audience.

You choose the tone
The publication frequency
And the social media platforms for distribution
Tookano does the rest by providing you with ideas for posts and establishing an editorial calendar with images and related texts. Tookano, your real estate community manager to maximize your visibility!
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