Tookano AI takes care of your posts and your monthly schedule

🤗 Ensure a consistent presence on social media with just a few clicks.
community management hôtellerie restauration
elipse gris fond
elipse gris fond

The sector
of hospitality
and restauration

Social networks are a major asset to promote your hotel or restaurant.

This is especially true in the hotel and restaurant sector, where consumers are attracted to establishments offering an “instagrammable” experience.

Here are some key figures about social media:
52 Million French users

Social networks position themselves as an essential communication lever to boost your visibility.

87% of buyers are influenced before buying

Through social networks: consumption habits are changing rapidly, according to E-commerce Nation, in 2023.

Why be present on social networks?

increase your visibility

Social networks allow you to share varied and personalized content with a wide audience. Being active on social networks has become an indicator of online presence and credibility. Not being there is a risk of going unnoticed.

attract new customers

Social networks offer an inexpensive platform. As a restaurant or hotel owner, they allow you to attract new customers. Even with limited resources, you can reach a large and diverse audience.

Inform and retain your customers

Social media is an effective way to communicate with your current and potential customers. Keeping them informed of the latest news, special offers and upcoming events, you strengthen the loyalty of your customers.

🚀 Develop a customized editorial line on social media starting today!
hôtellerie restauration
exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
ligne noir

a few topics
for the hotel industry:

Detailed presentation of the rooms: decoration, atmosphere, comfort
Sharing testimonials from your customers: positive reviews and comments
Highlighting local experiences: tourist attractions and local events
Announcement of special offers: promotions and discounts
Presentation of services and facilities: bar, breakfast, restaurant, gym, meeting rooms
Portrait of the hotel staff: reception, team
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exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
exemple de publication hôtellerie restauration
ligne noir

a few topics
for catering:

Menu description: ingredients, composition
Sharing recipes and cooking tips
Announcement of special offers: promotions and discounts
Sharing customer stories: positive reviews and feedback
Behind the scenes of the restaurant: presentation of the preparation of dishes
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With Tookano,
your posts are quickly generated

Tookano can generate content tailored to your needs, whether it’s unique posts, carousels or hooks, and publish them directly to your social networks.

You can also customize your content by adding your own photos and videos to Tookano.

Based on your goals :

Attract users to your website. More traffic means more opportunities to convert your community into customers.


Create a connection with your audience and interact with them. This will promote loyalty and growth of your audience.


Increase your visibility and brand recognition on social networks. This will help increase your credibility and build user confidence in your brand.

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On which social networks
should I post?

Facebook and Instagram are essential platforms for food and tourism.

They allow you to build the brand image of your establishment and attract new customers.

It is also ideal to generate traffic to your website by adding the link in your bio and in your publications.

LinkedIn may be relevant if your institution caters to a professional clientele, especially for the organization of seminars or congresses.

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tookano réseaux sociaux

How Tookano
can help you on your
online presence?

With Tookano, you can create a personalized content strategy based on your goals and your target audience.

You choose the tone
The publication frequency
And the social media platforms for distribution
and Tookano does the rest by providing you with post ideas and a publication schedule.
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présence en ligne hôtellerie restauration